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RoiGap > Blog > Blog > Old is Gold – Is it?

Old is Gold – Is it?

A shout out to my old blog from November 2013. Today, while I was linking JetPack to this Blog (that is,,  I stumbled upon a very old blog of mine from the earlier era of when it all began (almost). Time goes by and you never realize it – until you take a break from all that is happening around you and look back on the journey you have been through!


You can see the sedesk logo as well on the Twitter page. I think I must have made it in Microsoft Word as it looks like the same Art from the MS Office. You can also view in that blog’s right side bar that Twitter, Facebook and even Google Plus icons and profile pages are linked. These were the companies’ logos at that time. Today (that is, December 2023) all the logos look so sleek and elegant!

Even the content I have blogged about is now in Archived or Maintenance mode.


Let me try and find more related to the administration details of that blog. In the meantime, you can view the blog here: