PHP v8.1.28 released
The PHP security release 8.1.28 was launched on April 11, 2024. These were Eid-ul-Fitr holidays in Pakistan. The first CVE that I have reviewed is Critical. However, it does not impact our line of work much, because: This Github advisory is a proof of concept of the implications of this [...]
VulDB Account
Created my account at VulDB today You can find me here: https://vuldb.com/?user.67721 [...]
Virus Payloads disguised as Source Code targeting Business Development Teams
Sample URL with payload: https://cactusclubindia.com/CRM_App.zip So, the thread starts like this: Client: Jean Aldwin Task: QuickBooks Data Import Client Requirements: import data (invoices, names, phone numbers) to QBO from our old crm Download details from this link (crm app): https://www.lsbin.com/wp-content/themes/begin%20lts/inc/go.php?url=https://cactusclubindia.com/CRM_App.zip[DONOT CLICK ON THE LINK – it is for reference only] [...]